Spir Dynamics 390-1 4/14/94




A.  The Distinction Between Strategic and Tactical Objectives in the Spiritual Life.

      1. Strategy is the plans, methods or series of maneuvers for obtaining specific national objectives. Hence, the utilization of all national resources and forces through large scale planning and development to ensure security and victory. Tactics is the use and deployment of troops in combat. Hence tactics is the art and science of disposition of military forces for battle and maneuvering those forces in battle. The difference is between an overall national modus operandi and a battlefield modus operandi.

      2. By analogy just as strategy and tactics have objectives in the military and political spheres, so strategy and tactics have definite objectives in the protocol plan of God for the Church.

      3. The tactical objectives of the protocol plan consist in utilization of two power options and persistent function of three spiritual skills.

              a. The filling of the Spirit is not only the first power option but the first spiritual skill plus the second problem solving device on the FLOT line of the soul.

              b. The second power option is epignosis or metabolized doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness—the absolutes circulating in the right lobe of the soul. Metabolized doctrine is not only the second power option but the second spiritual skill and the fifth problem solving device.

              c. The two power options combine to form three spiritual skills: the filling of the Holy Spirit, metabolized doctrine in the soul, and the ten problem solving devices.

      4. The function of your two power options and three spiritual skills has to do with tactical objectives.

      5. The strategic objectives are related to the mechanics and functions of the sophisticated spiritual life. You get to the sophisticated spiritual life by being filled with the Spirit, making Bible doctrine your number one priority, learning doctrine, forming the first five problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul, and finally developing a personal sense of destiny. The sophisticated spiritual life includes three stages:

              a. Spiritual self-esteem plus cognitive self-confidence plus problem solving devices seven (personal love for God the Father) and (impersonal love for all mankind) plus providential preventative suffering equals spiritual autonomy.

              b. Spiritual autonomy plus cognitive independence plus problem solving device number nine (sharing the happiness of God) plus momentum testing (people, thought, system, disaster) equals spiritual maturity.

              c. Spiritual maturity plus cognitive invincibility plus problem solving device number ten (occupation with Christ) plus evidence testing in two categories (relationship to God and relationship to life) equals maximum glorification of God.

      6. There are two tactical objectives and two strategic objectives in the sophisticated spiritual life.

              a. The first tactical objective is a personal sense of destiny which is the entrance into the sophisticated or adult spiritual life.

              b. The second tactical objective is the attainment of spiritual maturity.

              c. The first strategic objective is to parlay a personal sense of destiny into occupation with Christ.

              d. The second strategic objective is to parlay spiritual maturity into maximum glorification of God.

     7. All of the strategic and tactical objectives involve volition and values. Volition is the issue in the spiritual life and the basic value in life is that Bible doctrine must have number one priority in life. Why? Because Bible doctrine contains the absolutes of life.

      8. There are basic circumstances by which all tactics and strategic objectives of the spiritual life are attained.   They are the two power options and the three spiritual skills.


B.  There is a final objective in the spiritual life which only God can fulfill—the resurrection of the Church.

      1. Only God can accomplish the final objective of the Christian life. Only God can take us off the earth and give us a resurrection body. Our volition has nothing to do with our resurrection and cannot make it occur. The resurrection is the sovereign decision of God. The sovereignty of God brings this resurrection in a moment of time to the Church Age believer.

              a. The Church is removed because Satan’s doom is now sure. Enough believers have executed the entire tactical and strategic objectives of the protocol plan of God, so that once and for all Satan and all fallen angels are doomed to the lake of fire.

              b. When enough believers have demonstrated the fallacy of Satan’s appeal, then the Church is removed.

      2. People who set a time or date for the Rapture of the Church encourage abnormal living, which becomes a distraction to the execution of the protocol plan of God.

      3. Date-setters blaspheme God and become distracted from the unique spiritual life which God has provided for every Church Age believer in his very own portfolio of invisible assets.

      4. Date-setters distort biblical eschatology, often adhere to false doctrine, such as mid or post tribulational Rapture.

      5. A personal sense of destiny keeps eschatological doctrine in the true perspective. God never mixes Israel and the Church. Therefore, before God deals with Israel on the earth, He will remove the Church through resurrection.




 R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056   (713) 621-3740

© 1991, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.                All rights reserved.
